1st Bac - Assets, liabilities, equity, income, costs and expenses

 Assets, liabilities, equity, income, costs and expenses

It is important to classify the financial accounts in order to know or to find information quicker. In every entrepreneurship there are two big groups of accounts:

-       Assets, liabilities and equity: accounts that make part of the balance sheet

-       Income, costs and expenses: accounts that make part of the profit and loss statement

Specific denominations of the financial accounts

Assets: There are divided in three types, which are current, fixed and deferred

Current assets are those goods or values that are in coin or paper in the cash account. The characteristics of current assets is that they can be converted into cash within a year.

Fixed assets are those which are not bought to be sold, but they work as support for the business. For example:

-       Land, buildings, machines, equipment, furniture, computers, cars, etc.

Deferred assets are related to the accounts that belong to payments made in advance with the purpose of facilitating the business operation. For example:

-       Insurance paid in advance

-       Taxes paid in advance

-       Rent paid in advance

-       Salary paid in advance, etc.


Liabilities: All the debt that the business must pay. There are also three types: current, fixed and deferred. 

Current liabilities must be paid within a year. For example: taxes, insurance, salary, etc.

Fixed liabilities or long term must be paid in a period over a year. For example: credit for a car, machine, land, house, offices, etc.

Deferred liabilities have to deal with payment received by the company in advance. For example: a customer might want to secure the product, so they pay in advance, prior to receiving the product.


Equity: All the resources that are property of the owners of the business. The main accounts are capital, reserves and profits collected from prior periods. 


Income: Has to do with all the accounts in which contain any income generated by the business. For example: from the sale of goods or services, rent, interest, etc.


Costs: It is related with everything involved with the production area, making sure everything is working properly. This will vary according to the type of business.


Expenses: Has to deal with all the payments to the areas such as:

-       Commercial (payments such as advertisement)

-       Administrative (payments such as salary, water, electricity, phone)

-       Financial (payments such as interests of a credit)


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