1st Bac - STR - Single Taxpayer Registration

 Legal and Social Responsibility of the Entrepreneur

STR Single Taxpayer Registration (RUC)

At the moment of meeting the requirements established by the Ecuadorian legislation, the entrepreneur must obtain a Single Taxpayer Registration (STR) (in Spanish RUC – Registro Único de Contribuyente) as a means of formal recognition of your business. It is like an identification to carry out productive activities, acts to comply the tributary obligations and it is the means used by the tax control authority.


According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) (in Spanish SRI – Servicio de Rentas Internas), the STR it is a number identification for all the people and societies that make an economic activity in Ecuador. It contains 13 numbers according to the type of taxpayer its composition varies, the STR is usually the citizenship identification number followed by 001.


What is it used for?

The Ecuadorian tax administration establishes that the STR has as main function the registration and identification of the taxpayers that must comply with paying taxes, allowing the IRS to access information to fulfill its role as national tax administrator and to collect taxes.


According to article 13 of the law of STR: “the officials and employees of public and private entities are required to demand the presentation of the document that proves the registration number in the STR referred to in article 7 in this law, in the following cases:

a.     Granting of import permits and export policies, as well as the processing of customs requests and for the removal of luggage and postal packages.

b.     Constitution, reform or liquidation of companies of any kind.

c.     Actions before notaries and property registrars as specified in the regulations and without prejudice to the provisions of the notarial and registration law.

d.     Concession of commercial, industrial and agricultural licenses.

e.     Processing of applications to grant from the benefits established by the Promotion Laws and others for which tax releases and exemptions are granted.

f.      Opening checking accounts.

g.     Loan procedures in Financial Corporations, Development Banks and other institutions of the financial system.

h.     Processing of applications for state concessions indicated in the regulation.

i.      Paying off of bonds or guarantees, of loans or investments.

j.      Granting visas to leave the country.

k.     Affiliation to the different professional groups, associations, federations and cameras.

l.      Acceptance of tax returns and payments in general.

m.   In applications, requests for certifications not to owe to state institutions.


How to obtain it?

The article 4 of the law of STR establishes that, the registration of the STR must be carried out at the offices of the IRS, within thirty days following the constitution or actual initiation of business operations. The beginning of the business operations, it’s related to the first commercial transaction done by the entrepreneur.




NAME OF ENTREPRENEUR                                       INVOICE 001-001-00

BUSINESS NAME                                                        S.T.R. #############

ADDRESS OF BUSINESS                                           00000000000000001

PHONE NUMBER                                                        AUT. STR. 8916498216

CITY – COUNTRY                                                        DATE OF AUT. 02/MARCH/2020

          CITY       /DAY/MONTH/YEAR

CLIENT:_____________________                              _______/___/_______/_______


ID/STR:_____________________                              PHONE NUMBER: _________________
















































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